两年前大宗商品价格暴跌 如今矿业公司已扭亏
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两年前大宗商品价格暴跌 如今矿业公司已扭亏

来源:防辐射材料公司 2017-8-8 17:05:26      点击:

防辐射材料公司资讯:矿业股终于在两年后扭转了2015年6月开始的暴跌,这离不开各公司在不断削减债务和出售低利润业务方面的努力,也离不开中国钢铁行业的复苏以及工业金属需求回暖的形势。也正因如此,自2016年1月以来,彭博全球矿业指数(Bloomberg World Mining Index)几乎翻了一番。然而这一指标仍然比2011年峰值水平低了大约50%,当时的情况是大宗商品价格急速飙升,紧接着便出现了暴跌。

Miners Recoup Losses From Commodity Slump After Two Years: Chart

By Thomas Biesheuvel

(Bloomberg) -- After two years, mining shares have finally reversed a slump that started in June 2015 and pushed a gauge of prices to its lowest in more than a decade. Efforts by companies to cut debt and offload less profitable operations, along with a resurgent Chinese steel industry and returning demand for industrial metals, has seen the Bloomberg World Mining Index almost double since January 2016. The measure is still about 50 percent below a 2011 peak, when commodity prices boomed, then bust.


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